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Privacy Policy

You agree that may collect information as may be provided by you while using this website including but not limited to your name, address, gender, age, nationality, work, occupation, interests, marital status, visit pattern, purchase pattern, interests addresses and names of friends and associates as is available from your visits to this website.

We need this information in order to allow you to go ahead with placing your order for a product. We may use this data to process payment for the product and deliver the product to you. We also use this data to inform you when the product is about to be delivered.

Just keep this Thing to be noticed that, the use of this information is purely for the use of conducting the transaction or for marketing purposes which shall include, but not be limited to sending email messages, SMS (Text Messages using mobile cellular technology, telephone calls, letters and other communication) to you regarding the promotional activities / marketing promotions for products from time to time. We may share the information provided by you with our marketing partners, consultants and third parties for the purpose of providing / offering special offers to you as a customer of from time to time.

We may also call you on the telephone number provided by you in the information for such purpose and as an existing customer will not specifically refer to the Do Not Call Registry for this purpose. By purchasing products from website, you are deemed to be a customer of our brand GoodStep products and we may contact you on phone, email, mail and face to face to conduct our business with you or to resolve matters related to our business, if any with you. However in the event you no more intend to receive emails, calls etc, from us, please write to the Compliance and Legal Officer on the communication address provided herein. Further, when you register with the website and / or subscribe to any of our newsletters, or opt-in to receive special offers and new releases sent to your email address, your contact information (including your name, address and e-mail address as requested) is added to our secure database; access of which is limited to authorized persons.

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